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作品No. JA13015 CoGNo. JA13015 Co重複: 1 AlGNo. JA13015 Al重複: 1 出版年: 1849-1853 () 月日 地: 江戸 / Edo 出版備考: 順No.:( )
絵師略称 豊国〈3〉 絵師Roma Toyokuni (3) 落款印章 一陽斎豊国画(年玉枠) / Ichiyōsai Toyokuni ga, red toshidama 彫師摺師 画中文字人名 改印 福、村松 Fukushima, Muramatsu 判型 大判/錦絵 / ôban nishikie 続方向 作品位置 002:004/01;03 異版
作品名1 「花鳥風月ノ内」 ( かちょうふうげつのうち ) 1印No. 1板元No. 1板元名 山本屋平吉 / Yamamotoya Heikichi 板元文字
作品名2 「月」 ( つき ) 2印No. 2板元No. 2板元名 板元備考
分類 源氏絵 /   画題   シリーズNo. 花鳥風月の内 / Flower, Bird, Wind and Moon 資料部門 浮世絵
作品No. JA13015 配役  
興行名 よみ 場立
外題 よみ 場名
所作題 よみ 音曲種
細目種 よみ 上演年 場所 劇場
作品No. JA13015  
組解説 The man depicted in the center holds a shakuhachi in his hand, and behind him is a view of a coastline. The woman on the right has a koto at her feet, while the woman on the left, who is opening or closing the shutter, has a xylophone, mokkin, at her side. This triptych belongs to a series of four (flowers, birds, wind and moon), the last one corresponding to the moon. The scene illustrates a scene from a popular novel by Ryûtei Tanehiko entitled Nise murasaki inaka Genji, published from 1828 to 1842. On the other hand, each of the prints can be read as an independent allusion to a different chapter of the novel. Thus the one on the right is related to chapter 22, entitled Tamakazura, as can be read on the genji mon of the fan; the central one, to a scene from Suma, chapter 12, as the genji mon of the candle seems to indicate; and the one on the left would allude to chapter 24, Kocho, butterfly, the animal depicted on the woman's kimono. Deciphering literary classics through subtle allusions set in the contemporary world was an interesting intellectual game. Kunisada created a large number of mitate-e during a period in his career when he used Kochorō as his signature. FORRER, Matthi. The Baur Collection, vol. 1. Art Media Resources Inc, 2001, G317 Ryūtei Tanehiko (1783-1842), who completely rewrote The Tale of Genji as a gōkan (popular literature published in bound volumes) in thirty-eight chapters. The protagonist is Mitsuuji, who lives in the fifteenth century, and his love affairs take place in pleasure quarters. Much of the stimulus for the late-Edo Genji imagery (Genji-e) was due to Ryūtei Tanehiko and his book, the first Japanese book to sell more than ten thousand copies. 個別解説
組備考 個別備考
作品No. JA13015 所蔵者名 The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) 所蔵者資料No. 蔵印
所蔵者著作権表示 CC BY 4.0
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